Ghost of Tsushima


Unparalleled artistry. Using the word breathtaking is a pretty bold move. Often lame and overdone. Visually, that is what happens time and time again when playing Ghost of Tsushima. I could feel my heart literally swell with the music, sending a flood of serotonin to my brain as I took my horse into the open fields for the first time. Apparently I’m not alone in this, as I was pleased to discover many others shared this same experience. Mouth open in utter disbelief how Sucker Punch could create this stylized world with such grace and beauty, while maintaining elements of incredible realism. I play this game like an old man, staring at the roots of trees, studying the way the wind whips together golden leaves and sails them into the night sky. The game is brilliantly directed, to be able to conjure up such an emotional charge with wild majesty is no small feat. The controls are smooth, the story engaging. Between moments of stealth and heavy battle, there are respites of peace and reflection as you discover spots to write poetry, natural hot springs that will help build your health, and shrines to honor nature. A powerful narrative with a great pay off of epic proportions. The virtual samurai experience we couldn’t even dream of.   


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